I was thinking about this topic very recently after there
was very dangerous situation that local police officers found themselves in –
where they had stopped a vehicle as part of a routine check and were then fired
upon by the occupant of the car. This happened in a very small rural town in
New Zealand not far from where I live and it got me thinking about how we could
support the police officers and all the other emergency services that were
involved and the general public (which includes some children at my son’s
By following the EFT ‘basic recipe’ and tapping on the
points on the chart we can relieve shock, trauma, fear and anxiety around this
event within just a few minutes. If you or someone you know is either a first
responder or been involved in a traumatic event then please pass on the EFT
sheet below to them.
Tap on the Karate Chop point and say:
‘Even though I witnessed this traumatic ____________ (fill
in the blank), I deeply and completely love and accept myself’
‘Even though I am traumatised by this ______________(fill in
the blank), I am calm and can make peace with what happened’
‘‘Even though I am so scared, anxious and in shock about
what happened when ______________(fill in the blank, I love and accept myself.
Tap on each point in the sequence and say the following
Eyebrow- All this
shock about ______________(fill in the blank)
Side of the Eye- I
couldn’t face (it) ______________(fill in the blank), but I had to do it for my
Under the Eye- I feel
so overwhelmed (or numb)______________(fill in the blank with the emotions)
about ______________(fill in the blank),
Under the Nose- why
was I the one that had to attend to this emergency/accident? (use you own words
to describe it)
Chin- All this pain,
anguish and trauma about ______________(fill in the blank)
Collarbone- I am so
scared/anxious that I will have to face this ______________(fill in the blank),
Under the Arm- This
traumatic incident is running on repeat in my mind, over and over again
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