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What are you gaining from your injury or trauma?

Sometimes injuries and past traumas don’t heal or resolve themselves no matter what healing or therapy we try. Why does that happen? What is getting in the way of this healing? Is it because you are gaining something, subconsciously from this injury or situation?
I’ll share with you a recent example from my own life. Last Christmas Day I stepped off my brother-in-law’s deck into a large hollow in the lawn and badly rolled my ankle. It was so bad that I went and had x-rays taken just to make sure it wasn’t broken. Luckily for me it was just a very bad sprain and not a fracture. It took a LONG time to heal even with physiotherapy which did help immensely it was still not completely healed 8 weeks after the initial injury.
Having this injury had impacted on mine and my families entire summer holiday. A lot of times I didn’t want to do things I would normally do because my ankle hurt, or I was worried about re-injuring it. It wasn’t until after my Physiotherapist had given me the all clear and I still had pain and frustration about my ankle I started to ask myself the question ‘What am I gaining from this ankle injury?’
Some of the answers were:

  • ·         Sympathy and support from my family
  • ·         I have an excuse, so I don’t have to do things around the house or with other people
  • ·         I can play the victim when it suits me – ‘Poor me’ mentality
  • ·         I got to rest and be at home and have a quiet summer
  • ·         A lot of Frustration at not being able to do things
As you can see from the above list there seemed to be more positive pay-offs from my ankle not healing rather than negative ones. So now I have this information what was I doing to do with it??
I decided that I would rather have my ankle heal than to put up with even more recovery time. So, I ran a few verbal energy processes. So, I asked the question What would it take for me to give up all that I am gaining from holding onto this ankle injury? Am I willing to give up everything I have gained by playing the victim in relation to my ankle injury? I then ran the Access Consciousness clearing statement. And wonderfully and suddenly my ankle felt a lot better.

So, in future when you are suffering a long-standing issue that doesn’t want to resolve itself after treatment perhaps consider asking yourself what you are gaining from your issue or injury not resolving itself? You never know what your subconscious might be playing at behind the scenes!!


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